I met a girl

Created by David 7 years ago
I met a girl, not any ordinary girl, nah I could tell there was something special about this girl. Her eyes were bright and magical. She wasn't always smiling, but that just made her Smile that much more special and contagious because it was real, and honest, never fake. She was shy at first but then always spoke her mind. She was intelligent with a very quick mind. From the first moment I was lost to her charms.
She Loved shooting Pool and was better than most in the club. The first time we played at the bar I was thinking I would "let" her win, haha, I quickly realized that I would have to play my best just to compete. We played many games of pool after that and we always argued in fun over who was the better pool player. Sometimes I still can hear that Lite voice "I win!! Rack em!"